The next
day we got up, looking for a camping spot in the National Park and on the road we
spotted a giant green snake with a black head on the road!! I went behind her
with Eduardo for a picture, but the deadly snake suddenly moved her head to us
and we run very hard resulting in a less though pic then I hoped.
We went fishing
with Jacob and Julia, some friends from Germany. I tried to throw my line but
after 10min I got stuck. Eduardo kept my line from the beach and I went in the
water to get my hook back. I followed the line and at the end I suddenly felt a
kiss on my fingers. We took some snorkeling gear and following the line again which
brought us to a hole in the ground where an octopus had swallowed my hook and
was hidden in her cave. What a pussy! I tried to pull her out but my line snapped.
My first catch ever was an octopus! But I will never get to eat her..
After one
hour the tide was coming up and suddenly Jacob catched two big fish and Julia
got the third. Guess what we had as dinner. .
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