maandag 4 november 2013

This is F*** awesome!

Getting up early for the whalesharktour  we spotted a giant eagle at the edge of the road. We couldn’t break soon enough for a crossing kangaroo and so we got our first murder.  R.I.P. skippy.

I was really excited to do the whaleshark boat tour, and after nearly 15 min on the ocean we spotted a mama humpback whale and her child, some turtles, a dolphin. While snorkeling in the reef we swum together with a turtle and a reefshark of 1.5m!  Despite a lot of searching the whaleshark seemed to have a day of. Maybe not a bad thing, since the heavy waves started to border my stomach and me and 8 of the 18 other passengers gave the fish something to eat…

One of the whaleshark-guides invited me to sleep at his home, since I was homeless again. A starting point for a new adventure.

After spending a week of coachsurfing with Christian and a second whalesharkless tour, I was called by a French guy Florian to join a group of nine people to leave from exmouth and hit the road for the Karijini.  The coincidence is that Florian seemed to be the guy I almost travelled with from Perth but didn’t meet cause I found another ride.  He and the other 8 escaped from an organized guide they met on gumtree. This so called Willie who seemed so friendly at the start transformed in a creepy guy who had some unvoluntary sexual issues with one of the girls, had no other official proof of existence except for gumtree, sometimes didn’t sleep for days, wanted to kick out Florian out of the group because he felt like he was concurrence for the girls. He didn’t want to drive pass the pinnacles, normally a highlight for every tourist and stopped instead at weird places. What he did wanted was to go to Wolf Creek, a meteorite krater in the North famous because of the equally called true-story movie where a serial killer misleads backpackers and kills them for fun after some foltering… Let’s say they were happy to escape from the tour and rent a car with me.  Oh yeah, the moment after we went for a drink they found one of their tents cut open. Guess who.   

The Karijini was supposed to be one of the better National parks and didn’t disappoint. After a small walking tour the first day Florian, Shane and me climbed the Mount Bruce, the second highest mountain of WA (1235m). If you ever want to try: don’t go from 11:40-15:45 the hottest point of the day with 40°C and no shade.  But it was all worth it. At the top you could even leave a message in the book of glory.  I dare you all to figure out what special message I left there…

The other days we got up at 5 or 6 O’clock to do as much walking tours as we could to beautiful gorges, idyllic waterfalls and hidden pools. One of the more adventurous ones was the moment we had to carry our back on our head to continue the path with the water to our chin. Not much more to say: you should have been there.

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