zaterdag 22 februari 2014

Into the wild: up to the east coast.

After saying goodbye to my travelgroup in Brisbane I had to leave the dildoracing to be on time for the bushcamp 2 days later. I slept in Caloundra on Kings Beach with a lot of free barbie's and a new esplenade along the beach. I got back on track to get on Noosa where I would meet Tovi again. Noosa has a lot of surfable beaches, but we stayed out of the water. A walk in the National Park let us see a big leguan, some kind of big wasp eating a spider, another hundsman and a lot of acrobatic stunts from the surfers in the water.

The next morning a ranger woke me up around 8am with a warning not to sleep on the public parkings. I headed to the big market in Eumundi. Just another market you could say, and yes: souvenirs and food in abundance. But on a market you need to learn to discover. I was really surprised by a photo exposition of the war with some stunning pics. And right before I wanted to leave, a live music band called the lamplights captured my interest. The singer as wel as the music was so charismatic and nailed me to my seat for another 2 hours. He quoted:”It’s not easy to come up here, it’s like jumping of a cliff. It’s just the first part that’s difficult, the falling is easy." 

The next day my tour to the bushcamp started. A lot of nice people where there, but I can't say the same about the organisation. The 3 lazy guides didn't really seem to care about making us feel at home and assuring we had a good time. Nobody had a real welcome feeling and they did't really organised nice activities. But off course we all had each other to discover the noosa river and it's strong current. After 1.5 we reached the ropeswing and could relax. Canoing back against the current took us another 2h. The second day the trip was easier and brought us to a little beach, which was not so nice actually because of the rocks. The evenings we filled up with poolchampignonships against Denmark and a last man standing against Canada. I met a lot of nice people and regret not having contact of everyone. But you cannot keep in touch with anyone you meet, and who knows,  we might meet again. A last morning run took all my energy before I head off to Rainbow beach.

In the hostel I met 3 denish guys, and by luck we shared a car to fraser for some 4WD action. No worries, Peter Parker has this. We slept on the best camping we were told cause we even had a toilet and shower: luxery! In the nightly walk to the beach we had to be carefull for the dingo’s and also a baby carpetsnake came to say hello on the camping. We went to several lakes and a champagnepool, an enclosed rockpool where the waves supply the champagne. Mathias went skiing in his tent with Mad and Christian,  but I was to tired of play the DJ.  The last day we washed away all our sins in Lake Mc Quire before heading back to mainland.
Mathias wants to be a girl

Wreck of the moheno

Crazy tourguide

On the end of the evening, standing outside with Laura we were disturbed by a brown treesnake crawling over my bare feet. Time to go to bed.

A long drive the next day. I stopped for a redbull, but it didn’t seem to work. I had a stop at tin can bay to feed some dophins. Finally after a long drive I arrived in agnes waters, near 1770. On the info-meeting for the castaway trip I met Phill and Norman from Fraser island. They booked the trip as wel. We went early to bed on a camping close to the sea to be fresh for our stuntplane the next day that brought us with of lot of action to an island where we had to “survive” for 3 days. Luckely, food was provided, because the fihing trial ended up with losing my 2 hooks, the plumb and the bait.. Taking the fishinggear into the kayak was even a worse idea, ending up losing my leatherman. We headed out through the bush for the sunset but an army of mosquitos wanted to stop us. I took some branches to slap my back all the time, but even then it was impossible to get through. Trees blocking the road and big spiders hanging over gave us the advice to leave this harry potter stage and head back to the camp. It really felt like nature shouted victory over us. Altough it was a rough day, when the English girls asked me if I had a bad day, I replied I had a great one. The island is so beautiful and the feeling of being alone without technology gives a great feeling. It's still far away from being alone and really surviving, but we did felt like we were into the wild...

notice the bites on my shoulder :-(

Stuntpilot trying to scare us.

But my bad luck would change quickly. After some drinking games like “I’ve never” and the “fuck me” song we all went out for skinny dipping in the moonlight. Being on an amazing island living with nature, I never felt so free.

The next day, after having breakfast with 2 giant leguanes, we went out for a big walk along the beach. We found a little pool where we went snorkeling and amazingly there were a lot of beautifull fishes and even a bit of coral there. Looking to the big waves smashing against the rock we noticed a surfing turtle and a jumping stingray. WAUW! I decided to take a natural shower and waited on the edge of the cliff for a big wave washing me all over and pushing me against the rocks. The lonely beaches were like paradise. We wanted to snorkel on the reef but Norman saw a shark so we came back quickly. I swom along the rocks to catch some fresh oysters to eat under the palmtree. It had been a long time that nature could blow me off my feet. This is the life. Entering back in the camp, one of the English guys found my leatherman on the rocks! Yes, luck is mine. Good times. I would really consider coming back here, although with a big supply of mosquito repellent!

looking for breakfast

spine from??

surfing turtle

Yes, I am on this pic


                                                            looking for fresh oysters
Eating my fresh oysters under a palmtree
Sweating like hell, but mosquito proof

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